
PLUSLINER - Not Helpful

THINKING it would be more economical to travel via an express bus to visit his sick child in Penang, MOHD IZHAM MOHD JAYA bought tickets from Plusliner for him and his wife to travel on Feb 12.

"Not wanting to miss our 8.45am bus, we waited at the Putrajaya Sentral Station from 8.15am.

"At 8.50am, I went to the counter to ask on the bus' whereabouts but was told the bus had just left!

"Earlier, I did notice a Plusliner bus parked at the side of the road but there was no driver in sight and the doors were closed. The bus wasn't parked in an allocated space, so it didn't occur to me that that was the bus I was suppose to board," he says.

MOHD IZHAM says he noticed the bus had departed right after its driver finished smoking a cigarette near the counter.

"There was no announcement and the doors were not opened. I didn't know where the bus was headed.

"The counter staff was not helpful at all. He couldn't tell me when the next bus to Penang would be nor suggested a solution to my woes. Another bus driver who was aware of the situation offered to 'chase' the bus for me, but the counter staff could not even provide him with the contact number of the Plusliner driver, so that was futile.

"Furthermore, the counter staff did not seem bothered with my problem. He said their system was down and currently being repaired," he says.

MOHD IZHAM says his wife then contacted Plusliner Penang to get the bus schedule. "When we enquired, we were told their system was not down."

He says things didn't perk up when he called Plusliner Infoline (1 300 888 582) as the customer service blamed him for not searching for the bus driver, as that was the "norm" at the station.

"How on earth was I to know of this so-called practice? We weren't informed of such things when we bought the tickets."

There was also no enforcement officer at the station to ensure that express bus operators adhere to rules, says MOHD IZHAM.

"My wife and I had to wait till 11.10am for the refund. We ended up driving to Penang that day."

He wants Plusliner to explain the incident and poor service.

PLUSLINER Express & Nice Executive Coach head Rosli Md Dali says: "We regret over the incident that happened to MOHD IZHAM and his wife on Feb 12.

"We acknowledge our mistakes and plan to improve our ticket counter operations nationwide, especially at Putrajaya Sentral Station.

"We have also provided an explanation to the Road Transport Department, Land Public Transport Commission and Putrajaya Corporation on the incident.

"Plusliner is extremely grateful for MOHD IZHAM's views as it gives us the opportunity to improve our service."

When contacted, MOHD IZHAM says Plusliner has been in touch with him and he has accepted their apology.


Anonymous said...

I will also want to complaint about this bus services and it's personals. They are so rude and keep mentioning that if you are not happy please sue Plusliner keep saying that "I don't think that you. And keep saying that I don't think you can because our boss is big Datuk behind". The guy that says this is an Indian guy at the KTM Office which is so rude that he wants to pick fights with customers.
Plusliner really is terrible from top down to it's workers whom think that they can pull a fast one on everyone.

Hui said...

Complain, plusliner services suck, your staff attitude very lansy, discrimination Chinese race, this morning 11th Jan 2012, 6.25am happen in seremban Terminal 1, 1 Malay lady paid RM50 notes, your staff accept the cash note and return change, when i pay RM50 cash note, you staff refuse to sell my ticket, reason of no small change, ask me stand aside wait she to collect small cash note from other customer, when she have enough small note, she refuse to sell me ticket again, some move the bus going to move too, then she said: aku sengaja, sengaja buat kamu lewat, kau bayar wang kertas big, aku tak bagi you cepat" XXXXXXXXX. dia juga cakap banyak perkataan yang buruk, yang sengaja cari lawan. This is Races discrimination, what the fuck 1 Malaysia, 1 Bangsa, Cibai Lanjiao!!!!

What kind of services is this? you as the ticket seller don't have small cash note, better you don't run the business, some more you discrimination other races and said such kind word that look for fight, FUCK YOU plusliner, i won't use your service anymore, and i wish plusliner PK immediately.

Unknown said...

Best Wishes,
For this, I take the bus a few times Plusliner to kuala lumpur, that time was not any problem with the bus driver and Services (Plusliner)
I am happy and satisfied with the service Plusliner.

Plusliner (BRANCH KULIM) BUS NO: WUY 2846

First Time,, I wish to make a complaint against the bus driver Plusliner.

During the day Sunday, 18/11/2012 at 6.00 pm ago, I took a ticket (plusliner) for my friend go to Kuala Lumpur for the first time travel by bus.

On the time i was told to my friend regarding good services of (Plusliner)...He also happy to hear that....

On that day,Around 10pm hour, My friend called to me by phone and i asked him gave phone to bus driver to dropped my friend at Place Rest (RAWANG) prior to a particular destination, ie, ( Plusliner bus stop near the Petronas petrol station at Ipoh to rest 15 minutes).

The bus driver told me, "BAS TAK BOLEH BERHENTI KAT SANA,,"
after that, I asked why I can not stop, and also tells the driver Plusliner, several times i was travelled in bus (Plusliner) and also have asked them dropped me near a rest place(RAWANG).
Bus Driver's(plusliner) also follow my request.

After listening what I was told, Suddenly, the bus driver told me back ("BAS TAK BOLEH BERHENTI SANA,,I YANG KENA SAMAN, BUKAN U YANG KENA SAMAN'')

The explanation from bus driver(plusliner) so rude.

That means the bus driver no have license ? Although the place is not road side but Rest Place (RAWANG) only .. why want to be afraid? ...
I regret with the poor services of bus driver( Plusliner)

"How will be have a Good services,,Especially for the first passenger of bus Plusliner???????

I hope the best answer to my complaint.

Unknown said...

Bought a ticket from putrajaya sentral to sg petani. Bus supposed to be here at 2130 but its only arrives at putraja sentral at 2300. Same excuse: traffic jam. Haizzzzz....

U know why there is a major confusion regarding seats in buses? I mean when u noticed other person is sitting at your supposed-to-be-seat? Its because these bloody drivers told the passengers "kau duduk la mana2 pun sama ja". What the efff???? I bought a single seat for a reason la stupid.

Anonymous said...

ive been plusliner's customer since 2007 in seremban.unfortunately in 2013 the lady in the counter did somehow disapoint me.i think she has an issue on how to manage her temper.seriously if she does that you guys could lose customers.i hope plusliner hire good workers.to have a good company, you guys should have good workers.please improve your service.

Anonymous said...

I am writing to officially complaint on the service that your bus service has given us. We travelled on the 15th Dec 2013 on the 12.20 bus from KL Sentral. We paid RM 74 and 2 tickets. The bus had a break down and it we were given a local bus as a replacement. Our bags (which has insulin in it) took more than a day to reach us and only after several calls were made. We expect a full refund because this is a day time robbery to charge us nearly 2.5 times more than a normal bus and also provide terrible service on top of that!

Anonymous said...

I am most annoyed that I wasted my time just to waited Plusliner's driver to come. LATE FOR ONE HOUR! And this is NOT FOR THE FIRST TIME. Plus, Plusliner driver always USING A CELL PHONE WHILE DRIVING and his voice TOO LOUD till disturbed sleeping passengers. Greatly endanger the lives of passenger. I assume that drivers know their responsibilities. One more thing, driver SCOLDED AT PASSENGER and DIDN’T ANSWER passenger questions nicely

Unknown said...

I also want to complain.. i am from kuantan, bcz of the bus break down, we need to change another bus and the bus stop us at pekeliling, i wait for more than one hour until nw still dint see any bus to fetch us to seremban

TJ said...

For the first time I booked a return ticket from BTS- Lumut on 16/7/2014 10:20am. Arrived early but was told the bus won't be coming "because the driver didn't know how to get there". Was told to go to Puduraya to catch the 1.30pm bus which I refused and demanded for a refund. The manager on duty was rude too and refused to refund money, only offering 1 way refund. After much fuss he returned the money to me but this has left a VERY bad impression. The reason was invalid (how can a bus driver don't know how to get to a bus station?), the management was rude, and the refund was only granted after much hassle eventhough it is obviously not my fault.

Elise Ee said...

I want to complaint the bus driver. I and my sis bought the double seat via ticket4u.com. we took 4pm bus from penang to kl on 12 april 2015.
We cannot found our seat number due to online buy ticket always different seat number ( double decker ). we just take our seat randomly which no ppl sit. But we like a ball let people kick here and there. Afterthat,i go ask the driver, he said :" ada tempat duduk la". Then i told him, but we bought double seat, he is not helping me to solve the problem, but he shout at me : " ADA TEMPAT DUDUK LA.."
his attitude really lansi,then he continue talk with others. This kind of service really poor.

Elise Ee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jas said...

Poor service. Bad attitude.

Jas said...

Poor service. Bad attitude.

Unknown said...

I wan to complaint that the female malay staff (thin and young)on the counter plusliner/ transnational .. She is very rude and impatient as a counter ticket seller. I just ask twice to comfirm the transport need to exchange or not but she show not respect at all and yell in front of me rudely . Very poor service and bad attitude . I will not recommend my friends to take this bus anymore .

MKT said...

I am a regular traveler from Putrajaya sentral to Sungai Petani (weekly basis).

Today i had a very HORRIBLE experience.
When i boarded the bus from sungai petani bus station the ac was not working.When i asked the driver about this,he was very rude and straightaway told to get down of the bus and take a flight.

I was shocked with this behavior and kept quite as i was not interested in arguing this guy.Other people also complained about this but there was no response.

Last week also,during my journey from Putrajaya to SP,the bus broke down at DUTA Toll plaza.

Some common issues i would like to highlight here are..
The seats are torn.
There is no optimal leg-space.
The Upper deck AC doesn't work.Moreover It's like a cooler.

I have taken pictures and going to upload to every social sites government/private and write my feedback.


Anonymous said...

Y plusliner 2 pg always late fm d pick up at putrajaya...at tesco puchong..always late..said traffic jam
.on cny i understand..but 2day 29th mac 3.15 bus..now 3.30 also no one said anything n no bus in sight....

Amour Mel said...

My parents took the bus to visit me on the 27th may at 4pm bus. The bus driver took 40 minutes for break before starting the journey to kl and bus condition is horrible. Today they when back and again the bus is not on time. Waited for 35 minutes for 10am departure. Same problem the staff told my parents that the bus just left puchong. What is happening to their time management?

Amour Mel said...

My parents took the bus to visit me on the 27th may at 4pm bus. The bus driver took 40 minutes for break before starting the journey to kl and bus condition is horrible. Today they when back and again the bus is not on time. Waited for 35 minutes for 10am departure. Same problem the staff told my parents that the bus just left puchong. What is happening to their time management?

Anonymous said...

My bus ticket is on 9am from KL Sentral to Ipoh. Today, as usual I reached at the bus station 20 minutes early. When I didn't see the boarding gate from the departure schedule, I went to ask the TBS staff who's working at the gate entrance. She told me that it was changed from 9am to 10am (without notice). She told me to seek the customer service at Level 4 if I want to make any complaint. So I went there for an explaination. I saw the 'Plusliner Customer Service' at the backdrop. There's a guy sitting in front of the desk. So I talked to him and told him about everything. He asked me to wait. He said he needs to check first. When he came back, his attitude is changed. He said he has just got the feedback from Plusliner that the bus is 'rosak'. He's rude and said he's just a middleman for Plusliner. Then what the hell he's doing there? At the comfortable air-con counter? He told me if I'm not satisfying with the company, then next time don't take this bus again. I tell what, this company is really sucked. Actually it's happened to me few times especially when you buy the 9am, 10am or 11am bus. I don't know maybe some other times as well. They just simply canceled it as they wish. You say you want to improve your time management? Come on, shut it off! Give you 10 more years, don't think you can go anywhere. Meaning is? Hopeless! Actions speak louder than talks! Why not you improve your customer service first? They never thought they got problems. They never learn. What a shame! We 'customer' who's the one with problem right!?

Unknown said...

Always late...never follow the true time...if late 10 or 15 should be acceptable...but it is late almost more half an hour...this plusliner is totally suck...

Anonymous said...

Plusliner staf plus driver are so irresponsible being international student i suggest for all internationals when ever the have any stopover and u have to go to rest room or for prayers even not only one time but aleast ten times remind them u are also n that bus..... worst customer service officers they just know how to laugh. Non proffesional drivers

Unknown said...

First Complaint

17-10-2016 MONDAY
I have bought ticket 12:00noon from PLUSLINER Terminal Bus Selatan (TBS) to ipoh. Trip No: PL013,

But the problem is,the driver drive to Stadium Melawati's Petrol Station at 12:20noon stop and waiting for somebody to send him some big boxes until 12:56noon only move again.
At the same time,he has take the money from the guy who is send the Big Boxes to this bus.


He was wasting time and delay our time for 1HOUR at the Petrol Station!

Since again he stop at AGRO MALL (sorry that i'm not sure is Tapah or Gopeng road), around 15mins again.
At the same times no any people is going to Toilet, all just waiting the USELESS DRIVER coming. Where he going to???

At that day, we are reached ipoh at 16:20PM!!!!
Actually from KL to Ipoh only need 3HOURS plus if they was safety drive.
But for this USELESS DRIVE he used 4HOURS and 20mins only reached at IPOH.

For the second complaint
20-10-2016 THURSDAY
My parent was go and ask the counter sales MALAY GIRL the ticket time table which they want to going KL for Saturday ticket.
The SHIT MALAY GIRL is talking impolite,and asked my parent read at the window notice.
Come on,not all the old man and old lady can read the notice yet !!!
Just tel them what times bus is it very hard to them?
I'm very dissapointed to PLUSLINER have these BAD,LAZY staffs!!!


Anonymous said...

I need to complain about Putrajaya to cyberjaya bus service, specially bus number 503. Their is no proper timing follow people's are waiting almost for this bus 1hrs.
Worst bus service 503, counter people also not giving proper answer.

Unknown said...

I believe this is not the 1st complaint for Qistna Express. We paid for the fair of rm 43 from Tbs to Singapore and bus was delay. No information was given from Tbs till 30minutes. 

They inform us to shirt to Gate 2 and take another bus company Starmart Express.

After departure for 3minute. The bus driver stop at the parking area and chitchat for another 15minutes while waiting another friend to get up the bus. 

This is Ridiculous!!  My bus is 12.30pm and schedule to reach Singapore at 5.30pm. yet was delay 1hours ++.

I do hope Tbs will strongly take action on this as this is not the way for such company to be listed in Tbs. Tbs is welly build and nice environment which shows good image for foreigner towards Malaysia.

Therefore Tbs should care on their bus services as well in order not to have this kind of bad image to be at Tbs.

My Ticket no: TBS 161100272251 & 161100272251



Unknown said...

I also want to complaint, the worse bus ever! Remember your paid, based on customer. Bad quality, bad attitude!

Unknown said...

Worse service at all.
I missed the bus from penang to puchong this morning.
At announce board there are 2 bus travel from penang to kuala lumpur and puchong at the same timing 10am. Bus is arrive station at 9.45am thats shows to kuala lumpur, i thought this bus only travel to kl and waiting at platform without call from bus driver before bus depart , they should make a call to customer who still waiting at platform if the passenger did not depart yet.
I had waste my money with nothing and i have to travel back kl by own driving.huh........bad luck....

Anonymous said...

Pathetic bus service .....our 4 pm bus didn't turn up on time and we were told to wait till 7 pm and then eventually 8 pm .when asked for a refund they simply denied....and now they are trying to merge all the three timing of their business to KL ....4 pm. & 8 pm
Hopeless attitude...they are harrasing their customers to the core !! I am Still sitting at the bus station waiting for their 8 pm bus to come

HuiShi said...

Really a bad experience to take this bus.
The bus is not punctual at all, it delay about one hour cause me missed my another bus to back home! The driver is rude and the condition of the bus really terrible

Unknown said...

Very pathetic behavior. I thought punctuality is the number one priority. Gosh always had the same problem with Plusliner. Please take an action!!

Unknown said...

I wan to make a complaint that the male malay staff (thin and dark skin)on the counter plusliner/ transnational at Aman Jaya around 5.33pm .. I was double confirm with him twice for the ticket timing before doing the payment, onces he printed it stated that the bus is at 5.45pm, I get shocked and ask him in a manner way abang I asked for 9pm bus ticket and why it's stated 5.45pm.. he shouted and being rude at me from the counter and embrace me Infront of othere customers who waiting to buy the bus ticket saying that I'm the one who told thim that time, before doing the payment, I just clarify with him on the timing of early bus and late bus. Your staff is not paying attention to the requirement of a passenger. As a customer i think i have all the rights because i paid for 4 tickets but your staff asked me to pay extra for the exchange timing for the bus ticket. How could your management force the customer to pay extra of the error is from your ticket seller.I feel bad and hope plusliner management should not keep a impatient ticket seller like him at the counter. Very poor service and bad attitude of your staff.

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